Sunday, December 12, 2010

Future Lynx first flight

Being a helicopter maintenance technician and specially because I work with the actual Westland Lynx Mk95 I couldn't resist to share with all of you this video witch means the beginning of a new era .
Here's a video of the very first flight of the new Agusta Westland Wildcat Lynx AW159.


Célio Cruz | Sweet Gula said...

Será um destes o 19206? Vinha mesmo a calhar... ;) See you Vasco da Gama!

Filipe Cardoso said...

Seria óptimo se assim fosse, mas finais felizes só nos contos de fadas. LOL. See you.

Vintage Aero Club

For those who follow this blog since around 2013 probably already have heard me talking about Vintage Aero Club. For those who didn...