Saturday, December 18, 2010

Another sailing week

Yes it's true, past week was once again a sailing week but this time not in one military vessel only but in three different ships.
Fenix Flight team went on board N.R.P. Vasco da Gama for another training mission this to prepare the ship's next mission the OST - Operational Sea Training promoted by the Royal Navy in Portsmouth, UK. This mission took place in Portuguese waters between Lisbon and Sines and had the participation of 3 Portuguese frigates, N.R.P. Vasco da Gama, N.R.P. Corte Real and N.R.P. D. Francisco de Almeida and also with the Portuguese Tanker N.R.P. Bérrio from Spain came the frigate Santa Maria and the aircraft carrier Principe das Astúrias.

During the mission Fenix helicopter had to participate in some training exercises in other ships such as N.R.P. Corte Real and N.R.P, D. Francisco de Almeida so it was needed someone from the "flight" to be aboard those units so there I was sometimes in Vasco da Gama and others on another ship.

The last mission day was a very long long and busy day the called "war day" where people and machinery specially people are pushed to the limit and sometimes beyond.
It was my last mission with Fenix Flight until February because they will depart to the UK on January the 4th. and return on February the 19th. but I will have to stay to finish my ATPL until the end of January let's hope for better weather and a malfunction free aircraft.

Vintage Aero Club

For those who follow this blog since around 2013 probably already have heard me talking about Vintage Aero Club. For those who didn...