Sunday, August 14, 2011

Before leaving checklist!

Of course besides being a helicopter maintenance technician in the Portuguese Navy I'm still a civilian pilot and continue to look for a flying job witch is becoming a huge task almost with epic contours due to the number of low time pilots in the same situation.

As I'm going to be out for a considerably long period of time I have tried to fly as close as possible to the day of the departure to the mission.

Today was the day.

Here are some pictures of the flight from Cascais to Portimão.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Going out!

Some of you know that in a short time I'll be going to the Aden Gulf participating in the Ocean Shield NATO mission. This mission comprehends in the protection of ship convoys that are being attacked by Somali pirates and the Portuguese Navy as part of the NATO will participate in this effort to protect these ships from any threats.

On board the Portuguese frigate "Dom Francisco de Almeida" - a dutch navy M class frigate - will be the Fénix Flight Detachment witch I'm part of.

I will try to maintain contact and updates, specially for the spotters and enthusiasts that love the Portuguese Navy Lynx, so stay tuned!

See you soon.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Vintage Aero Club

For those who follow this blog since around 2013 probably already have heard me talking about Vintage Aero Club. For those who didn&#...