Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Red Bull's Unknown Pilot

Yesterday i was reading SIRIUS magazine, a portuguese publication from the Portuguese Airline Pilot Association (APPLA). One particular article kept my atention for several minutes, called The Lion of the Skies. Probably to some who assisted to the Red Bull Air Race championship somewhere in the world, the name of this pilot isn't as familiar as Paul Bonhome or Peter Besenyei but Jürg Fleischmann is an important part of the show. Behind the cameras and flying it's BO-105 Fleischmann is always there when needed to give some spectacular images of the race. The 46 year old pilot has his flight license since he was 16 and accumulates over 11000 hours of flight time in more than one hundred different aircraft.
During the 2008 Red Bull Air Race in Porto I had the oportunity to meet Mr. Fleischmann who recieved us, Portuguese Navy Lynx crew and ground crew, with great hospitality and simpathy, also presented to us the BO-105.

The RB-105

The crew names

Me next to the RB-105

At the end, and in great fellowship between the two Helicopter crews, Jürg wrote a message: " To the great Lynx Crew".

The BO-105 Blog is:

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