Those lovely people from Aerodreams, see previous post, were very nice to me and not only showed me their installations but also gave me a full tour to the airfield showing other hangars other airplanes and presenting other aviation pilots and enthusiasts who were enjoying the lovely day to spread their wings.
One quite interesting aircraft was this Citius on the photos below that was for sale. This Citius as built in Portugal in a company called BRM who specialized in ultralight aircraft fabrication and has already a good market share here in Portugal and is also making some sales outside
With a lighter structure than the Cessna 152 but with the same power about 100 bhp the Citius seemed to me being an excellent choice for those ultralight pilots in Europe who want some STOL capacity, space and an easy to fly aircraft. There are some similarities between the Citius and other BRM project the Land Africa but the wing with no Slats and a small structural difference on the tail make this model distinctive from the Land Africa.
About the Cessna 152 the first thing that a C152 will notice is the huge space on the cabin, and I REALLY MEAN HUGE. Side by side two persons normal size won't touch on each other unlike the C152 that when the two on board are the same size it's a struggle to fit their shoulders and move inside.

Testing the BRM Citius comfort - photo: Mário Abreu
Citius Exterior - Photo: BRM
Please visit BRM website to know more about the Citius the Land Africa and their new project the Argos.
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