Sunday, July 8, 2012

... just a week later...

If one aerial accident is two much then what to say about two accidents in just a week. That's what happened here at Cascais airfield luckily this time wasn't fatal to those involved.

The Piper Seneca II from AW Academy from Cascais was performing a training  flight and after a landing and take off with a simulated engine failure the Piper smashed into the ground in a property nearby the airfield. The aircraft went down in the middle of trees and bush fortunately not buildings or people. The main fuselage separated into two parts and the wings and engines seemed to be ripped off from the rest of the structure.

Here are some pictures of this accident just a week after a Cessna 152 from Leávia, another flight school from Cascais crash and taken the lives of two pilots.

photos: A Bola
photo: Jorge Amaral/Global Imagens

photo: Paulo Santo

photo: Paulo Carvalho - Aviação Portugal

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