Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Flying... as passenger :(

Probably some of you have already questioned why this blog isn't being updated with regularity. The truth is that I'm passing through a period with almost no flights and no news to tell. Sadly I must say but there are no news about new flights or flying jobs that I had been called to respond to innumerable CVs sent already, some of them to some remote regions of the globe, but that's the life of a low time pilot.

So tomorrow I'll embark in some flights but as a passenger. Destination: Lausanne, Switzerland. Firts leg from Lisbon, LIS, to Madrid, MAD, and then to Geneva, GVA, finally by train to Lausanne. This will be my first flight in Iberia the Spanish flag Airline let's see if "nuestros hermanos" can convince me as a passenger.

Airbus A319-111 aircraft picture


Rui Sousa, Madeira Spotters said...

A mim não me convenceram.... ;)

dani said...

Aviso já que não te vão dar comida no avião (leva umas sandes contigo), com SORTE não tens atrasos nos voos e tens a bagagem quando chegares ao destino. :p

Filipe Cardoso said...

He he he, só elogios, LOL.

Vintage Aero Club

For those who follow this blog since around 2013 probably already have heard me talking about Vintage Aero Club. For those who didn...