Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Multi Crew Co-operation and Crew Resource Management

About a week ago my college Luis and Myself went on a marathon of two consecutive days in the AlSim MCC simulator to complete our MCC Course.

First of all remind all the things learned during the classes and reviewing the checklists and procedures at the same time that we were getting used to the position of all controls of the simulator, in this case of the Beechcraft B200 King Air.

This practical part of the MCC Course comprehended in two days with a total of 15 hours. At the first day we made a flight of 2 hours with Me as PNF (pilot not flying) and after a short break another 2 hours flight with me as PF (pilot flying). After lunch I started for another 2 hours as PF and finished the day as PNF with the last 2 hours leg. At the end of this day all I can say is that it was very tiring full and now I surely understand when a pilot says that at the end of a number of legs and a bigger amount of flight time that his attention is no longer at the best level, and this we all know, can cause an accident.
During this day we've trained instrument flight in a multi crew environment, checklist and communications procedures, briefings, approaches and missed approaches procedures.
On the second day I started on the first leg as the PF and for this session and all the other one in the morning the training was based on the emergency procedures, such as engine failure during take off roll and after take off, fire in one engine, approaches with one engine inoperative among others.
To the second part of the day the best was reserved... explosive decompression and a landing with no engines running.

At the end of this second day the balance of the MCC course couldn't be better, sure this was a great opportunity to learn new concepts and procedures and to get prepared to fly more complex aircraft barely can't wait to do it.

Airbus simulator - multi crew operation

AlSim MCC Simulator with one pilot

P.S.- After this I am completely enchanted with the King Air and really love to fly one.

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