Friday, June 20, 2014

Amazing A310 video

Here is a video of an Airbus A310 from SATA Internacional landing in Ponta Delgada, Azores Portugal. Hope you like it.

From Facebook

What if...

What if power engine test is being done over a ground brick covered surface instead of a tarmac or concrete surface?

According to Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Facebook page, a few days ago in Pakistan someone found the answer to this question the hard way. A engine power test of a Boeing 737-400 has been taken over a brick covered ground and the result? Well see it for your selves.

Pakistani road services have found a new way to rapidly remove road-layers.

Vintage Aero Club

For those who follow this blog since around 2013 probably already have heard me talking about Vintage Aero Club. For those who didn...